At Orlando Children’s Church, we started 2020 by seeing some new ideas come to life. The elementary kids began a new curriculum, and each week they learn a TOP TRUTH that teaches them more about God and his love for us all. Here are a couple recent examples:
Jesus can do miracles in your life!
The battle is the Lord’s!
These are statements we can all hold close to our hearts to remember God’s love and faithfulness. On top of that, the elementary and middle/high school swapped spaces! The elementary kids now meet in the sanctuary, where they can be fully engaged in a dynamic large group time, and the middle and high school kids get more opportunity for interaction and hands-on projects by meeting in the fellowship hall. We’re excited about the potential for all kids at OCC to experience greater community, learn more about God and themselves, and have fun!

Plant a seed and watch it grow…
We are excited to announce that OCC is the recipient of a Wood Global Challenge: Education grant! As part of this grant, we’re building new raised-bed gardens and getting ready to plant. It has also allowed us to partner with Second Harvest Food Bank to send Hi-Five Kids Packs home with every child once per month for one year, and Mustard Seed of Central Florida is providing 250 sleeping bags for our children! The project is off to a great start! Last month, the kids had a great time working alongside Wood staff and learning how to build raised-bed gardens. Thank you so much to Wood, Second Harvest Food Bank, and Mustard Seed of Central Florida for taking a dream and making it reality! We can’t wait to see what grows!
“The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” –Isaiah 55:10-11
